Saturday, October 30, 2010

Charlie Chaplin, Time Traveling, and a Fleet of UFOs

Seen these gems from the Interweb yet?

The first video (above) was debunked fairly quickly by a few armchair historians finding examples of hearing aids that looked awfully similar to what the time traveling woman was holding.

So far I haven't read any real hypothesis about the NASA video (below).

Watch it and decide for yourself.

The Chaplin cell phone video was intriguing but an old lady on a cell phone wouldn't be my first choice to send back through a man-made space-time wormhole so I figured there was a reasonable - and simple - explanation. The NASA video, on the other hand, has left me baffled.

What moves away from the Earth? In numbers? Movement away from the Earth requires energy in order to break away from the gravitational pull. Either it's a naturally occurring high-energy phenomenon or, it's artificial. If it's in space and NASA doesn't know about it...

Maybe the dolphins?

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